

Oplanto, or Optimus Planto, is a platform that simplifies 3D printing management. It offers a marketplace for 3D printing designs and instruments for creating new objects.

What is Oplanto?

  • Team
    5+ employees
  • Product
    3D printing management platform
  • Industry
  • Services
    Web development
  • Location

Oplanto is a platform that aims to help users with operating 3D printers. It has two main functions. Firstly, it provides tools for creating 3D printing models. Secondly, it offers a marketplace where users can sell their unique designs.

Challenges and Solutions


Creating robust and fast code for a 3D modeling platform


3D modeling is infamous for its performance demands. You must spend thousands of dollars on a personal computer to use apps like AutoCAD. Oplanto’s team needed a new path to capture a wide audience. Consequently, the creators of the product asked for a challenging task. We had to create code with maximal optimization for the web and ordinary users.


Keenethics actively uses JavaScript-based technologies. They're notable for their ability to process many user requests. Ultimately, this project was created with the biomedical field in mind. Many of its tools are too complex to produce without professional input. Nonetheless, they don't require as many elements as large industrial goods such as cars. Node.js and JavaScript are perfect for creating a computing framework for these goals. They’re complex enough for medical tools and, simultaneously, are quite lightweight.


3D printing has been a rising trend for more than ten years. Nonetheless, its popularity isn’t as high as it may seem. Why? Because the tools for interacting with 3D printers aren't user-friendly. Professionals need many hours to create interesting solutions. A 3D printing designer must have strong coding knowledge. Some experts eventually get vital skills in this sector, enjoying significant payment. Still, the transition to en masse 3D printing remains complicated. Oplanto wants to solve this problem once and for all. The goal is to help develop 3D printer designs without any advanced coding.


Keenethics pays significant attention to the development of UI/UX. A common Ukrainian saying proclaims that people tend to “meet by clothes and see off by mind.” A comfortable interface is always a key element in attracting users. Our motto is 'easy to learn, easy to master.' The key goal with Oplanto was to create an interface that would be easy to understand. To achieve this, we used our accumulated UI/UX knowledge to succeed at the task.


Problems with 3D designs tend to be dual. On the one hand, there's a risk of them being pirated. On the other hand, a leak of information can undermine 3D platform users. A unique tool created by a hospital offers a significant competitive advantage. Any leak can destroy months of efforts on R&D, leading to major financial losses. In this situation, one should pay attention to platform security. The goal is to prevent the potential incidents from ever happening.


Keenethics introduced high-quality anti-piracy measures and encryption to solve these problems.



What Makes Keenethics' Collaboration with Oplanto Special?

Complex field that requires many pioneer solutions

The first reason why our collaboration is unique has to do with 3D printing complexity. In one way or another, the sector is still in its infancy. The true potential of the relevant technologies will come into being within the next 20–30 years. This means that many standards for the sector are still far from being well-developed. While site development has well-established practices, no guide for 3D printing exists. In this situation, Keenethics had to pioneer many solutions with Oplanto management. This experience gave us many positive opportunities in terms of knowledge. Firstly, we learned a lot about the manufacturing sector in general. Secondly, our company gained vital experience in 3D printing. Lastly, the experience allowed our firm to create new development procedures for manufacturing. Keenethics can now use this knowledge while developing products for many other fields.

Complex field that requires many pioneer solutions

Unique product that combines many competencies

Oplanto is notable for its complexity. It has many elements that require multiple types of expertise. We had an opportunity to practice the creation of the following elements: a 3D modeling platform; a comfortable UI/UX; a collaboration framework; a full-scale marketplace. Most products are geared towards one direct function. An opportunity to create such a multifaceted product was a perfect training ground for us. In this way, we gained significant skills, learning to target several tasks. Adding a 3D printing project to our lineup of products was an enriching experience.

Unique product that combines many competencies
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