
Education App Development Services

The education app market is among the fastest growing in the IT sector. Thus, investments in an education app development team are highly rational today. Here, you can learn about our education app development services that can assist you with assembling such a team.

Educational App Development Solutions We Offer

Keenethics offers its clients advanced software development services:

Education app consultation

Many business ideas seem great on paper, but often don't survive contact with reality. A proper consultation on technology or evidence-based practices in education is essential for overcoming those challenges. Here, two potential issues can act as a disrupting factor for your business. Above all, the question of technological feasibility is present. Consulting an educational app developer here is essential because only people with practical knowledge of the field can tell if a certain idea is possible to implement. Moreover, there's also the question of methodological feasibility. The education industry needs apps that follow evidence-based practices rooted in the collective education experience. The Keenethics team is here to assist you with the analysis of your education app feature list.

In-house team enhancement

If you already have an in-house team, working with an education app development company can nonetheless be a worthwhile investment. The first use case for such a cooperation is the need to outsource the development of additional features. Another reason to work with outsourcing and outstaffing businesses is the ease of finding core specialists. For example, if your firm focuses on web development, but you require the expertise of a mobile app development company, then the most rational solution is to contact a business like Keenethics. We have expertise in the presented sector and can assist you with finding the lacking specialists.

Custom educational app development

The core service we provide is custom development for our clients. You can contact our education app development company to start working with a team of outsourced developers. They'll create your app according to the requirements you have. Why is this so vital? The reason is simple: in-house team creation is a costly and complex process. By investing in a team of outsourcing specialists who will do all the development tasks, you reduce the majority of the administrative costs for your business.

Application upgrading and refactoring

Multiple great apps on the edtech market are notable for using outdated platforms. As a result, they either have problems with UI/UX or the addition of new features. In this light, our education software development company can assist your business with upgrades for your app. On the one hand, we can apply our expertise to remake the UI/UX of your application after performing a full-scale UI/UX audit. On the other hand, we're also capable of refactoring your application and transferring it to modern platforms that support web and mobile standards. In this respect, the power of technology is sufficient to make your solution much more flexible.

Porting and cross-platform development

A significant problem for many in-house teams is the lack of expertise in web or mobile development. In this regard, Keenethics is notable for its strong knowledge of education mobile app development as well as web and desktop app creation. This is facilitated by the education app development solutions our company is using, too: for instance, React Native is perfect for both web and mobile integration. Hence, you can address our firm to port your app or create a cross-platform solution because we have extensive experience in presented practices.

Integration of novel technologies in edtech

A common issue for many companies isn't the outdated nature of their tech stack. Instead, they need to incorporate novel technologies such as augmented reality or virtual reality but don't have enough expertise in those fields. What's a solution in these cases? You can try addressing an educational app development company to assist you. In this respect, Keenethics is here to help you with upgrades for your edtech app. One can address us to add new features such as VR or machine learning to create an immersive experience for your customers.
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Features in Modern Education App Development

Here are the main education app development features that an edtech app may need:
Learning session scheduling

Many edtech apps are being actively used for progress tracking and education process improvements by schools and universities. The core activities they focus on are learning sessions of all kinds, such as practical classes or lectures. In this respect, a strong way to enhance the learning experience is to create scheduling tools for those sessions. This feature is especially vital in the case of, for example, streaming apps of various kinds.

Authentication features

A major factor in creating a high-quality online learning experience is having an account system. Accounts allow separating the information on the customers, enabling features such as customization or even full-scale personalization. Every account system must begin with some form of authentication framework, which enables progress reports and other vital features for individual users.

User-friendly interface

Problems with interfaces are among the core reasons for the failure of certain platforms. Educators prefer systems that work within several clicks: the success of digital solutions like Zoom confirms this assumption. In this regard, the Keenethics team is here to assist our partners with promoting user-friendly interfaces. We have more than 8 years of experience developing UI/UX for our customers and completing full-scale UI/UX audits for them.

Forum and chat tools

Traditional learning systems have one core advantage: communication within them is relatively easy. In turn, online e-learning apps make such communication potentially more complicated due to enabling the users to study in multiple countries at once. The core choice here is to use Internet-based communication technologies to close the gap. On the one hand, you can create forums to outline public announcements or engage in long-term communication. On the other hand, shorter messages during online training or education can benefit from a chat system.

Tools for creating assignments and grading

Assignments of all kinds are the core factor in education. They allow students to train their skills and showcase their mastery of the involved learning material. Thus, the core task to consider in any edtech app aimed at schools or colleges is the use of modern-age technology for replicating assignment creation capabilities. In this respect, you should think about integrating various types of assignment design. One must be able to create tests or check essays for plagiarism. A strong idea is to also provide third-party integration to push the teachers towards adopting non-standard practices in education.

Leaderboard competition

Apps that focus on gamification need to use one of the core advantages of games, competition. The best way to achieve this for an education mobile app developer is to apply leaderboards. You can help users compare their results in an education app. For example, this is a widespread practice for apps focusing on teaching touch-typing. Many of them offer leaderboards that showcase genuinely impressive feats, such as the ability to type up to 200 words per minute.

Video conferencing

Many schools and colleges rely on video streaming and conferencing capabilities for distance learning. If you seek to develop a course-oriented platform, then it makes sense to follow a common industry trend and adopt the usage of steaming and conferencing. Through these tools, teachers in an educational course will be able to interconnect their text materials with live lectures.

Audio and video streaming

A good idea is to also add audio and video steaming in a course aimed at students during education app development. Why? Audio is perfect for recording lectures without visuals or, for example, supplementary materials for learners. In this case, you can deliver a set of podcasts on any topic, including the philosophical underpinnings of economic or sociological theory. Videos, in turn, are perfect for showcasing visual content. Most lecturers use video on demand to highlight their core arguments to the students. Hence, the support for video and audio recording is now an essential component of high-quality education software.

Notification system

Education involves many situations that can be regarded as emergencies. On the one hand, there may be a need to inform students of some schedule or process changes. On the other hand, it’s often vital to show students that they need to follow certain deadlines. Notifications work as a strong student information system in those cases. They can inform the relevant individuals about all the transformations happening during the learning process. For non-college/school apps, the presented approach functions well, too. If you focus on microlearning, informing students about the need to learn on a particular day is essential.

File sharing

In many cases, students and teachers need to share files during the learning process. The core way to do this is to have a file-sharing system. The students and teachers should be able to upload essays, books, and even pictures to facilitate a comfortable learning experience online. Thus, a potent education app development company needs to consider this seemingly minor feature to ensure maximal comfort for all stakeholders, removing the reliance on outside file-sharing services.

Support for multiple languages

Many education apps become popular enough to create demand in multiple countries. Therefore, a core requirement for e-learning app development is proper localization. If you have a sizable market in a certain country, support for alternative languages can boost the popularity of your solution even further.

AI- and machine-learning personalization

Modern AI and machine learning tools are notable for giving an average education business enough tools to enable personalization at a relatively low cost. In this light, personalization is among the core project requirements these days. It allows education companies to create unique content for students based on their progress and specific requirements. As a result, AI-centric systems are important for their capability to enhance the learning experience for millions of people.


A common problem many people encounter during learning is the inability to understand the scope of their progress. This challenge is potent both in traditional and online-based learning if the scores are primarily stored by teachers. In this regard, a dashboard in an e-learning application acts as a strong solution. A high-quality dashboard is vital for its ability to provide full-scale insights into user progress. Hence, the learners can make elaborate plans to improve their practices upon learning about their core errors or strengths.

Game-based learning

A smart e-learning solution is to use games in the learning process. Many people regard learning as boring, and often repulsive due to it requiring major effort. Rote memorization and essay writing are genuinely complex practices. Game-based approach is an ideal way to work around this concern. Games include a competition element that, in turn, removes tedious elements from learning. The reason apps like Anki and Duolingo are so popular is because they offer this game-like feel to the learners.

Data analysis

A good m-learning solution must also have data analytics for teachers. Using information about the past performance of the students, for example, the experts can introduce significant changes to the ways they approach various learning experiences. This is a vital practice as it allows colleges to refine their social learning methodologies.

Performance tracking

A major aspect of success for an edtech app is also performance tracking. This feature is essential for students who want to maximize their efficiency. Using information from a course, they can come up with a customized solution to certain learning challenges.

Comfortable payment options

A big aspect of success for an edtech app includes some comfortable payment options. The customers should have the capability to use a reliable solution for purchasing one course or another. If it’s difficult to buy an application or subscribe to it, then the likelihood of it being used is low.


The ability to interact with multiple elements is essential in apps for kid audiences. For example, a good idea is to promote virtual tour capabilities. Through it, the users can learn about various concepts via a comfortable, user-friendly presentation that involves the ability to affect certain objects.

Offline capabilities

Sometimes, students encounter situations when they don’t have access to the Internet for a long time. In such cases, a good application development solution is to offer them the ability to use at least some functions offline. For instance, a positive approach is to allow students to download particular courses to their phones. This method will enable them to study while on planes or in other restricted locations.


Modern Edge Technologies We Use to Develop eLearning Apps

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Modern AI is a perfect tool for promoting personalization in online education. It can study the patterns of student behavior and then offer unique content for learners based on them. For example, ChatGPT is capable of generating full-scale exercises for learners. Hence, this technology is a great time-saver for many teachers.

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Big data analytics

Modern edtech tools are notable for their ability to collect tremendous amounts of information. Today, this abundance of data is being used for creating elaborate scientific theories. Similarly, you can use Big Data to allow yourself or users to analyze student behaviors and make impactful judgments on their core learning processes. 

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Student record blockchain integration

Even though blockchain is traditionally associated with cryptocurrencies, this technology is capable of supporting many more sectors. Why is it a strong learning application development solution? The reason is simple: it enables the users to create immutable learning records. Consequently, the technology is perfect for reducing the potential of cheating in education.

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Virtual and augmented reality

The best way to learn for every educational institution is to use the so-called multimodal approach. It involves the combination of multiple learning perspectives, such as visuals, texts, and audio. Virtual and augmented reality are capable of enabling them all at once. Consequently, they represent one of the best technologies for enhancing three-dimensional learning these days.

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Game-based learning

Our team also knows how to implement proper game-based elements. We can add particular game-like activities to your learning app or even leaderboards. Everything depends on your project requirements in the presented case. We also provide post-delivery support, guaranteeing that your solution doesn’t become outdated.

Our Education Application Development Process

We assess your idea and offer a judgment on its technological and market viability, helping boost the strengths of the concept.
Business Analysis
Once we establish the viability of your business idea, it's time to develop and then test your education app in real-life scenarios.
Development and testing
At this stage, our team develops a full-scale design for your app, creating the user-friendly look and feel of the core learning-oriented features.
UI/UX design
App requirements change over time, requiring some interventions to, for example, upgrade a solution through mobile app development services.

Our Partner Testimonials

Due to their responsiveness & patience, the collaboration progressed smoothly from start to finish, resulting in a high-quality product & ensuring their continued engagement. Keenethics’ skill set was precisely what was needed, and despite a language difference, communications never suffered.

Mike Casey
from the USA, Georgia
Founder at BankerAdvisor, an investment banking company
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Keenethics delivers the required tasks within the time frame and at high quality.

Andreas Feller
from the UK
Co-Founder & COO at WorldLabs, a business incubator platform
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Why Choose Keenethics for Education App Development?

1. Major experience in the education sector

Keenethics is a perfect team for you due to having major experience in the education sector. We’ve developed multiple edtech solutions over the eight years of our presence on the market. Therefore, our team knows what edtech apps need both from methodological and technological perspectives regarding cutting-edge technologies. Using this strength, we can quickly assemble a team capable of delivering the best product at optimal education app development cost.

1. Major experience in the education sector

2. Strong UI/UX development knowledge

Education app development services we offer are also notable for a strong emphasis on UI/UX development knowledge. In this regard, our team understands how to create user interfaces that are friendly and comfortable to use. Hence, you can utilize our expertise to maximize the impact of education app development through high-quality feature presentations.

2. Strong UI/UX development knowledge

3. Best development methodology

Lastly, our teams are ideal for development partnerships because they’re using the top development methodologies on the market. In this respect, we focus on the Agile development framework. Why is this vital for education app development? This approach enables us to deliver app features fast and, at the same time, have strong interaction with client feedback, making the whole process of development as flexible as possible.

3. Best development methodology

Education software development services we offer

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E-learning platforms

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Language-learning apps

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Cloud-based learning software

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Skill assessment solutions

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LMS software solutions

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Gamified education software solutions

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Employee training systems

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Mobile learning solutions


What's the cost of an education app?

In our opinion, there’s no definitive answer. Educational app development services greatly depend on your requirements.

What's the average development time for education apps?

Depending on the features, small and medium apps take between two and five months. Larger apps may need education app development services for a year or longer.

What are the core characteristics of top development companies?

In our opinion, a good partner for education application development should have experience in your sector, strong developers, and a positive reputation on the market.

How can an education app benefit my business?

It’s a great way to save costs in the education process. Education application development is often used by many companies to also strengthen the knowledge of their experts.

Do you offer post-delivery support?

Yes, our education app development services include post-delivery support. 

What is the reason to invest in e-learning apps?

Investments into an education app development company make sense for two reasons: saving costs and improving learning results. By developing an e-learning app, you can improve the performance of your organization in terms of teaching strategies and outcomes. More importantly, it’s possible to achieve all those positives at a lower cost than in the past with the help of education app developers.

I'm here to help you find a software solution.

If you have a business challenge you want to solve with a software solution, let me tell you about our offers. Should we start with a free estimate of your project?

Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

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