

Smart organizing of dataflow between frontend and backend
Check the case studies

GraphQL Development Services We Provide:

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Advanced GraphQL API creation

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GraphQL mobile app data integration

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Fast UI/UX via better database integration

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API automation and streamlining

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GraphQL API testing and support

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Migration to GraphQL from old APIs

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GraphQL data management and integration

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GraphQL consulting

Development Services We Offer With GraphQL

GraphQL is a perfect framework for APIs. Here's how we help you implement it:
Custom GraphQL API Development

Crafting tailored GraphQL APIs to fit the specific data handling needs of your business systems.

Integration with Existing Systems

Seamlessly integrating GraphQL development logistics with your current databases, REST APIs, and microservices for optimized data flow.

Real-Time Data with Subscriptions

Implementing GraphQL subscriptions to facilitate real-time data updates, essential for dynamic and interactive interfaces.

Performance Optimization

Utilizing GraphQL’s strength in fetching precise data to reduce load times and improve app scale.

Advanced Security Implementation

Incorporating robust security measures within GraphQL specification to safeguard sensitive data transactions.

Scalable Architecture Design

Designing a scalable GraphQL architecture that grows with your application’s user base and data volume.

Comprehensive Testing and Quality Assurance

Rigorous testing to ensure reliability, efficiency, and security of the entire process behind GraphQL implementation.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Providing continuous support and updates to keep the GraphQL services up-to-date with the latest API development technologies and security standards.

Training and Documentation

Offering comprehensive training and detailed documentation to facilitate easy adoption and maintenance of the GraphQL tech stack within your team.


Benefits of Using GraphQL

Apps can use types to avoid writing manual parsing code. Apps can use types to avoid writing manual parsing code.
Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable because they control the data they get, not the server. Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable because they control the data they get, not the server.
Apps using GraphQL can be quick even on slow mobile network connections. Apps using GraphQL can be quick even on slow mobile network connections.

Features of GraphQL Development

GraphQL is a computer language which has been publicly released in 2015. Because GraphQL offers its clients exactly what they need, this language increased its popularity over the years. 

Our GraphQL developers can grow your app from a small project all the way to something big. Amazing scalability is one of the main reasons why companies prefer GraphQL. Of course, everything depends on your projects. Here, we suggest you contact us to receive free tech advice about GraphQL and other technologies.

GraphQL Development Process We Follow

We guide businesses through every stage of software development while delivering effective and elegantly designed app development solutions to improve your daily business processes. The goal of business analysis in the GraphQl development service is to test the project idea. The discovery stage in GraphQl web application development involves testing and developing the project idea.
The goal of business analysis is to test the project idea.
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Through continuous testing, we make sure the code we develop is clean, effective, and free of bugs.
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The goal of a discovery stage is to test and develop the project idea.
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Software grows outdated, technical errors occur, and the project idea undergoes changes.
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NDA Case Study


When it comes to managing complex processes and projects at the corporate level, it immediately becomes clear that we are talking about dozens of entities that are closely related to each other. On top of that, there is a need to provide detailed reports, graphs, and charts based on a large amount of information. Developing an API for such an application is a big challenge. But much more challenging is to write documentation and build a data graph.


In such cases, we always choose GraphQL. With the right approach to its development, it becomes an indispensable chain between the client and the server. It allows you to optimize the load on the server by requesting only the necessary data in a small circle. Additionally, GraphQL provides descriptive technical documentation for API. It saves a lot of communication time between engineers and allows to onboard entry-level specialists for product support and development.

Why Choose Keenethics as a GraphQL Development Company?

1. Quality with Strike Force

You can hire a dedicated GraphQL developers team called Strike Force for a perfect start to your project. Within a month, they will set up the development environment, major development processes, and project architecture. Afterward, we suggest switching most of the expert team members to junior or mid-level developers, while senior app developers stay as consultants. This way, you have a more affordable project with a perfect quality set from the start.

1. Quality with Strike Force

2. Satisfied users with UX audit

Our UX audit shows you what upsets your users and holds back the success of your solution. This approach is the best way to cut the development expenses and improve your ROI in the long run. In the UX audit, we analyze the design of your solution to improve the user flows. At the same time, we eliminate the pain points of your users as well as improper design practices.

2. Satisfied users with UX audit

3. Security with an escrow account

You can employ our escrow partner as a middleman securing your costs. Before we start development, we may agree on the terms upon which the escrow agent releases your payment to us. With a minimal escrow fee, you can sleep well knowing you pay only for the job done properly.

3. Security with an escrow account

4. Motivated team with our mental health program

When working with Keenethics, you hire a keen team of dedicated developers. Our Mental Health Officer monitors closely the mental state of each employee to ensure happiness, motivation, and loyalty. With our employee satisfaction checkups, we ensure low employee turnover and no associated project delays.

4. Motivated team with our mental health program

Our Customers Say

We were impressed with Keenethics from the get-go. They really get startups and are able to work without perfect project plans – making clever and reasonable assumptions as they go and clarifying when the need arises. Great team, solid communication, and fast-paced, high-quality development. They really get startups and are able to work without perfect project plans.

Jens Munch
from the UK
Founder of Pace, a revenue management software provider

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it true that GraphQL is faster than REST queries?

GraphQL queries are not quicker than the rest queries. Yet, the GraphQL requests will be smaller and more efficient because you can always pick the fields you want to query.

Is GraphQL free to use?

GraphQL itself is a query language for your API. To use language itself, you need some toolsets and libraries. Many of those are free and Open Source, like Apollo. Some (advanced) tools might require purchasing them or getting a subscription.

If I lack tech skills, will I manage to work with your team efficiently?

You don’t require tech skills to work with our team. What you need is to understand what you want to get as a result. Our PM and tech lead will help you structure your requirements and advise on technical approaches the team may follow. And then, it’s our job to make the development process transparent to you!

What are the benefits of GraphQL?

Using GraphQl for your app has many benefits:


• Apps can use types to avoid writing manual parsing code.

• Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable because they control the data they get, not the server.

• Apps using GraphQL can be quick even on slow mobile network connections.

Will I be able to manage the hired developers?

We recommend choosing a project manager. The project manager will help with the development project and ensure that the client and the team are satisfied. Plus, project managers make sure that all processes run smoothly.

Will I be informed about the expertise and experience of the developers that work on my project?

Yes. Moreover, we can offer you many development teams to have a range of choices. We present you with a team of professionals corresponding to your needs and the requirements of your project. While selecting the right team for your project, we primarily focus on their skills and experience. Plus, we consider culture fit to offer you outstanding experts ready to execute any project for your business.

What project management tools do you use?

We are highly flexible here, but usually, we use: 


• Jira or Trello as a task-management tool 

• GitHub or GitLab to store source-codes 

• Jira/Trello reports supplemented with custom reports in Google Spreadsheets 

• Emails, Slack, and Google Meet for communication

What is GraphQL

In short, what is GraphQL, and how can this technology make your app more extraordinary?


GraphQL is a query language for your API which lets developers describe the complex, nested data dependencies of modern applications. GraphQL is designed to operate over a single endpoint via HTTP, optimizing for performance and flexibility.

Why choose GraphQL

Skilled GraphQL developers can use it with any language or platform to define app’s backend as a well-defined schema.


GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in an API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.


GraphQL queries access not just the properties of one resource but also smoothly follow references between them. While typical REST APIs require loading from multiple URLs, GraphQL APIs get all the data your app needs in a single request. 

Hire GraphQL Developers

If you’re looking for a reliable expert in GraphQL consulting services, then we think we can talk. Our team has an extensive experience with GraphQL and accompanying technologies. We also have Ivan Goncharov, GraphQL TSC member and graphql-js maintainer, as a consultant. Being ​​No. 1 in the official GraphQL developers statistics based on GraphQL contributors worldwide, he and other team members can help you

Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

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