
Livestock Management Software Development

Livestock is a central part of many farming businesses. For this reason, it’s beneficial to use custom livestock management solutions. They are vital for improving the efficiency of using your ranch resources.

Livestock Management Services That We Offer

Keenethics is a company that concentrates on developing custom apps. If you have a farm, we can assist you with custom ranch management software. Here are some of the top solutions we can assist with.
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Livestock breeding management solutions

A very important part in the management of livestock is the ability to ensure its reproduction. This aspect is often a problem for various farms because it requires the knowledge of advanced ecology and biology. There’s always a risk to underuse your resources or overuse them, hurting the further reproduction of your livestock. Livestock management systems offer a solution to this problem by automating the calculation of various livestock population formula. Using those solutions, you can mathematically optimize the allocation of livestock to different goals. And, ultimately, why use custom solutions? Livestock management software development can greatly assist your farm if you have some unique requirements regarding the livestock. It’s a great option if you’re using unique breeds not available in other markets.

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Livestock information management apps

Every animal within a livestock reserve is likely to have unique characteristics, such as immunity levels and even behavior. These small aspects can greatly affect business performance for all stakeholders. For instance, animals that have a tendency towards anxiety may fail to offer sufficient milk yields. In this light, it’s essential to keep records on as many animals as possible in order to find negative tendencies fast. What’s the problem with this goal? It requires tremendous amounts of paperwork, which creates many management difficulties. Modern technology finally offers a solution to this problem. You can keep records online and supplement them with a large number of additional multimedia files. For instance, a farm specialist can not only offer a report but also add a video to it. All this data will be present in one place, allowing you to quickly make decisions about the core qualities of your livestock.

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Ranch management apps

Ranches are, above all, businesses that need to manage tremendous amounts of information and activities. They aren’t solely above livestock. Many other activities require some time investments. In this respect, ranch management software can greatly assist with a livestock business. What does it entail? It’s a general purpose app that allows tracking the core activities in your business. For example, a ranch management app may enable real-time monitoring of resource expenditures. You’ll be able to learn how this or that dollar or euro were spent in your production processes. Additional solutions include accounting tools and HR frameworks for tracking employee progress. In short, the goal of the presented apps is to assist you with monitoring not only livestock operations but every other aspect of your business.

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Pasture grazing analysis apps

Livestock management isn’t only about the tracking of the animals in question. It involves one more aspect: you need to think about the reproduction of the grazing grounds, which often represent a core component in the feeding process. In this respect, livestock is notable for its ability to quickly deplete pasture grounds of resources, making them inefficient for many years. A ranch that fails to manage this aspect is highly likely to lose feeding resources. Thankfully, there are empirically proven ways to use grazing lands in a way that won’t deplete them. In the past, one had to do calculations manually. Today, however, it’s possible to use AI-powered solutions to do the majority of the mathematical equations. These solutions are typically used in pasture grazing analysis apps: all you need to do with these custom platforms is to upload information about your land, and they’ll then automate the majority of the calculations.

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Genetic selection software

This type of software is very close to breeding apps in terms of functions because it also focuses on populations and their proliferation but ultimately has a very different role. While breeding apps focus on numbers, genetic selection software is primarily about quality. What can livestock management software development offer in this regard? It allows one to track genetic characteristics like elevated weight gain and calculate the best ways to preserve them in an animal population. Using such tools, you can eventually create breeds that have unique characteristics fitting your business model. The genetic selection activity has been in action for thousands of years. Modern tools allow business management to make this process faster and much more optimal.

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Ranch inventory management software

Ranches typically have to work with a tremendous amount of equipment. It involves tools for controlling animals and even medication. A common problem of many farms was the possibility of losing or misusing the relevant resources. Custom livestock management software development solutions solve this problem once and for all. You can store all the information about your inventories in a particular app, having a comfortable tool for managing every aspect of your production. Why use custom solutions in the case of ranches? They have unique factors to consider, such as movement and posture. Consequently, one may need additional development to create tools capable of incorporating them.

Special Features of Software for Livestock Management

Livestock management software development enables modern companies on the livestock market to perform many useful activities. Here is a list of potential benefits that this technology is capable of offering to the relevant users through diverging types of innovation:
GPS integration for livestock tracking

The first special feature of modern livestock management software are the tools for tracking livestock. When livestock is grazing in a particular location, there is always a risk that it may get lost or even attacked by some wild animals. In many cases, this problem may lead to the permanent loss of the involved livestock. GPS tracking is a tool that is capable of preventing the presented problem. You can tag all your animals with a GPS tracker and have live updates about their location through mobile tools. In this way, the probability of livestock losses to various accidents becomes much lower. 

Livestock health tracking

Modern users of livestock management software can go beyond location tracking. Smart collars of various types enable customers to perform full-scale animal welfare monitoring. For example, it’s possible to review animal body temperature and movement statistics. In this way, you can quickly make conclusions about the health of your livestock and engage in relevant measures aimed at managing it. Many diseases that negatively affect livestock are easy to treat in the early stages. Consequently, the presented systems can greatly improve the ability of your ranch to prevent unnecessary losses. More importantly, you also get to improve the safety of your livestock. There’s no longer any risk of encountering a situation in which, for instance, a cow encounters some negative accident and doesn’t receive immediate help.

API integration services

Many apps on the livestock management software market have high-quality APIs. Keenethics is a company that can help you integrate those APIs between different services used in your company. There are multiple situations in which this approach to livestock management software development can work. Firstly, API integration services are highly useful when you have multiple proprietary apps that need to be interconnected. Secondly, API integration is highly useful when you have developed your own app for livestock management and need to connect it to other solutions. You can then use the presented APIs to create an integrated system of information collection in your business.

BLE tools

Bluetooth is a technology that currently allows connections between different devices with minimal energy expenditures. In this light, it represents a perfect tool for promoting connectivity in modern farms. For example, it can be used as a basis for the aforementioned livestock health tracking software. Moreover, you can set various sensors throughout your facilities in order to read and share information. Our company, Keenethics, knows how to integrate those tools into software solutions and, more importantly, understands the core ways to offer cost-effective management tools for Bluetooth.

Software integration

You can also address Keenethics to create tools for software integration. We’ve already mentioned API frameworks for that goal, but there are additional ways to integrate various apps. Firstly, there’s an opportunity to create various conversion tools for different data formats. Secondly, you can create separate apps that close the gaps between different types of software. For instance, it’s possible to supplement a grazing-oriented framework with a cattle management system. In short, opportunities for software integration are more or less endless in the current livestock software management market.

Payment integration

The ultimate goal of every livestock management business is to sell particular products to customers. Therefore, one needs tools that enable the management of various payments within your system. A good payment system is often a core factor in making a decision to purchase this or that ware. Consequently, we highly recommend having advanced payment systems for modern livestock-oriented ranches. Ultimately, payments may also help in the procurement process. When you have a high-quality payment gateway, managing the majority of the processes is much easier.

Integration of inventory management

A common situation in the livestock management field is that the relevant companies purchase some non-specialized solutions for certain activities. For instance, many companies are eager to invest in inventory management despite the absence of advanced integration features for farming or livestock management. While it’s definitely better to have inventory management solutions rather than not have them, such a situation leaves a lot of space for improvements. Keenethics specialists know how to help in this case: we can create additional tools like database management solutions for your company that will finalize the integration of the relevant innovations. 

IoT integration

Tools with Internet connectivity like smart collars are becoming highly popular in the livestock management field. In this light, there’s a significant reason to make major investments into the solutions of this type. You can address our company to help you with creating software that will manage the presented IoT devices and maximize their utility for you to promote efficient farm management.

Accessibility tools

Accessibility tools are also likely to have a significant positive impact for some ranches. Up to 15% of the American population, for instance, has some disabilities. Without a doubt, many experts in the field of livestock management are likely to have some health problems that may impair their everyday functioning based on such numbers. A decision not to hire them can be costly: there’s a risk of losing experts with major experience and knowledge. For this reason, the most rational option is to invest in accessibility tools that enable workers to continue their work regardless of some disabilities. 

Record automation

The keeping of records for livestock management software development is a complex process. In many cases, there’s a risk of losing some records or simply failing to record certain important facts. Record automation solves two problems in this case. Firstly, it writes information to certain devices, making the preservation of information simpler. Secondly, the practice decreases pressure on the workers, removing the need for them to keep track of certain types of information. In this way, they get to concentrate on unique cases that are highly vital for the long-term operation of a ranch. Keenethics has experience of working with companies in multiple fields such as finance and manufacturing. This factor gives us sufficient experience to develop advanced tools of this kind.

Sensor integration tools

Sensors play a major role in modern ranches. They track livestock and various core factors for grazing grounds, like weather. There are separate solutions for separate sensors. At the same time, you may also want to have a full overview of your sensors. In such cases, we recommend investment into sensor integration tools. Keenethics has experience of working with manufacturing companies that focus on IoT. Thus, our experience is more than sufficient to promote tools that enable high-quality integration of various sensors in livestock management software solutions.


Our Livestock Management Software Development Process

Keenethics has a clear development process framework that enables us to deliver high-quality solutions fast. Learn how this process can help your livestock management:
We analyze the requirements of your livestock management business to offer unique solutions.
Business analysis
We use advanced development techniques and then thoroughly test our solutions to maximize the positive impacts for your ranch.
Development and testing
Good interface is central to great user experience: Keenethics has advanced experience in this field.
UI/UX design
The requirements that ranches have change with the evolution of their businesses: Keenethics helps upgrade apps according to those requirements.

Why Choose Keenethics as a Livestock Management Software Development Company?

Experience in the livestock management field

Keenethics is a company that has major experience in the development of livestock farm management software. In this regard, we, for example, helped create My Grass Growth. One of the functions this app offers is the analysis of the grazing resources. This information means that our experts already have relevant knowledge in the agriculture and livestock management fields. Hence, they can develop high-quality full-scale solutions aimed at them.

Experience in the livestock management field

Company with more than 8 years of experience on the market

Keenethics has been on the market for more than 8 years. This information means that we possess tremendous experience when it comes to development in general. We’ve helped more than 50 companies create their high-quality solutions for diverging goals. Fields we work with include finance, manufacturing, HR, business management, and agriculture. In this light, finding advanced development specialists for your solutions shouldn’t be a major problem for us. If you’re looking for custom livestock management solutions, Keenethics is among the best companies to cooperate with.

Company with more than 8 years of experience on the market

Advanced UI/UX expertise

It’s not sufficient for a livestock management app to have advanced function for health metrics or breeding efficiency. They also have to be easy-to-use. Many ranch specialists aren’t computer scientists. Thus, they need user-friendly interfaces above all. In this respect, Keenethics specialists have advanced knowledge when it comes to making diverging solutions as user-friendly as possible. We can combine advanced features with interfaces that are created with user comfort in mind.

Advanced UI/UX expertise

Agriculture Software Solutions from Keenethics

Farm Management Software Development
Farming is the backbone of modern civilization. For this reason, competition in the field is high: its market is among the most stable in the world. Keenethics can help you with developing farm management solutions that will help with navigating this competition-driven environment and fulfilling a vital social mission of agriculture, improving food security across the world.
Land Management Software Development

Our agribusiness software solutions help agricultural organizations manage inventory, optimize supply chains, and analyze market trends precisely. Let us enhance efficiency across every aspect of your agriculture enterprise.

Precision Farming Software Development

We integrate up-to-date development methodologies for remote monitoring to help you minimize waste and increase sustainable agriculture practices for profitability and resilience.

Aquaculture Management Software Development
Aquaculture firms face a market that is constantly growing: more and more people showcase demand for fish and various types of algae in their diets due to their positive health effects. In this light, the best way to capture larger markets in the long term is to offer more products at a lower price. Custom aquaculture software development is among the best ways to upgrade an average fish farm management system.
Agriculture Drone Software Development
Agriculture works with assets that are difficult to monitor: fields are often too extensive to have a definitive understanding of crop health through manual tools. Modern agriculture drone software development may finally offer a solution to this problem. Using drones, you can enjoy a bird’s-eye view of your core assets and even automatic management of certain processes.
AI Copilot Development for Agriculture
Agriculture is a field in which managers have to consider tremendous amounts of information. AI is a technology that allows analyzing large masses of data, creating high-quality actionable insights. Learn how you can combine modern AI algorithms via an agriculture copilot system to advance your business.
Greenhouse Climate Control Software Development
Many agricultural businesses rely on a system of greenhouses to produce certain products. The core goal one must aim at with those systems is the accurate maintenance of the microclimate. You can address Keenethics to develop greenhouse control software, which optimizes climate management through advanced automation tools.

Success Stories

Now, running an agricultural business with My Grass Growth is easy and efficient.
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B2B cloud-based procurement platform for on-demand manufacturing
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What's the purpose of specialized livestock management software?

The main purpose of the presented software is to assist the users with core processes in their livestock management businesses. This assistance usually comes in the form of either automation or improved data collection. For instance, automated record keeping allows reducing pressure on the workers. In turn, an investment into health monitors enables one to clearly understand the state of their cattle.

What does tech do for livestock?

Technology has a major positive impact on livestock. For instance, the ability to collect information on the health state of the cattle is a perfect way to prevent diseases from spreading.

Can AI be used to help livestock?

In our opinion, yes. We see multiple ways to use modern AI tools with this goal. Firstly, you can use AI in order to analyze various records and then offer high-quality insights on the basis of Big Data. Secondly, there’s also an option of training AI on the health data of your livestock. The relevant tools can then quickly spot irregularities in your cattle, preventing the spread of major diseases.

What's the cost of developing agricultural management software?

In this case, everything depends on the scope of your solution and the complexity of the technologies involved. A smaller solution typically costs less and can involve relatively small sums (between 20000 and 100000 US dollars). A bigger solution, in turn, can require many months of development and millions of dollars. If you have an approximate understanding of the required development time already, we can give you some certainty, however: Keenethics charges between 25 and 50 dollars per hour of a developer’s work time.

How long does it take for livestock management software to be built?

Livestock management software can require between two months and one year for development. Once again, everything depends on the scope of your app. If you want high-quality insight on this topic, the best option is to communicate with relevant specialists.

How will I receive maintenance help and post-launch support for my livestock management software?

While preparing a contract for your app, we can negotiate how the maintenance process will look. In this regard, we typically dedicate a developer or a set of experts to this goal. They review your requests post-launch and implement various features according to the provided requirements.

What are the safeguards you employ to ensure the software's safety and stability?

We focus on encryption and the usage of the latest software in order to maximize app security. In this respect, our experience with financial software enables us to use the most advanced encryption techniques on the market. We can also implement other techniques like two-factor authentication in your firm.

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